Friday, July 24, 2009

Triumph: The Return of the Bionic Rapper

The Return of the Bionic Rapper

In today's news, the triumphant return of Joe Stern-McGovern aka "The Bionic Rapper" was announced by the nation's number one periodical, Asahi Shimbun, as one of the defining moments in Japan's music history. What will he bring to the table this time? One can only begin to venture into the mind of such an enigma and chameleon.

Having brought hip hop to the forefront in Tokyo in the late 80s, as well as a dramatic change in Japan's approach to culture, age, sex, social status, materialism, etc., Joe Stern-McGovern created a new face for the nation. He brought a light air to previous subjects long considered taboo, laughter where there were once tears, and a general acceptance of the West through his universal approach to the human experience.

A global agent and the now head of the Universal Artists, International's Presidency, Joe Stern-McGovern has brought the agency previously thought defunct and on the brink of Chapter 13 back into the limelight, flourishing through such top producers as Shaka Productions, A-Dub Productions, Teabang, and Gallas One.

At the head of Universal Artists' new roster comes the next generation of crunksters known to the region as the Black Flock Gang or simply BFG. BFG consists of three entities, the emerging Ms. Fame, the established F.A.M. Boy$, and the blood brothers, Preacher Boy and DO, of Dem Hard Headz, all screaming their way onto stage directly from the city heights of Birmingham, Alabama, Universal Artist, International's new hub in the Deep South.

At the lead of the BFG is a new legend by the name of Hood Shuttlesworth. Hailing from Adamsville, a small suburb of Birmingham, Hood's vocals, depth, and captivating lyrics are all complimented by the deft sounds of his co-conspirators of the Dirty South movement; Lo, CO, and Facts. Keep a look out for Hood in his coming debut in the halls of some of Tokyo's greatest venues.

The leader of this entire movement is a regionally famed genius whose particular repute is not particular at all, but rather all encompassing. With his skills at production, Shaka of Shaka Productions has led the BFG and other local acts to new heights in recording, catapulting them from the depths of the bayou onto the front pages of the nation's top rags. Relatively modest in character, his quiet determination belies a calculating ambition which will soon dominate the industry whether it's prepared for his arrival or not.

Yes, indeed, the legendary Bionic Rapper, Joe Stern-McGovern, is back. Slightly older, mature, and wise in years, what tricks will this mysterious icon hold up his sleeve for the streets and back alleys of Tokyo's hottest nightclubs and famed network variety shows? One thing is certain, whatever his machination, the Japanese citizenry are pleasantly pleased at his triumphant return, all awaiting the next magic show on the horizon.

Masaharu Tanaka, Freelance
Japanese Associated Press
The Japan Times

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